Our ewe flock is around 200 head and growing. Made up of mostly grade Cheviots, we’ve maintained our small registered Border Leicester and Finn programs alongside the commercial flock. The entire flock is shepherded with as extensive and low-input systems as possible. The flock is kept on pasture year-round, including for lambing, and supplemented with bale grazing in the harshest winter months. Health and hardiness of sheep is critical to our beliefs surrounding proper management, putting greater emphasis on prevention than treatment of disease. Less than 5% of our flock requires deworming over the course of the year with many individuals having never received anthelmintic in their lifetime. Our flock is OPP test-negative, free of foot rot, and requires no regular hoof trimming under our management.
Border Leicesters
Our Border Leicesters are descendant of our foundation ewes from Polly Hopkins and Barbara Thompson with influence in the colored ewe base from ZNK Border Leicesters. The current direction of our flock has seen significant incorporation of Spring Creek lines. Breed character has been central to the development of our flock insuring our Leicesters look as they should with strong roman noses and distinctive erect ears. We strive to make an attractive hand spinning-quality fleece with lustrous flowing locks of medium curls. Our Border Leicesters bring together the ideal balance between maternal abilities and growth, producing efficient lambs with desirable carcasses.
The Finns offer a special opportunity for us in maintaining the heritage and prolificacy of this valuable breed. Our genetic base is formed around three unique individuals; our foundation ewe from Honeysuckle Farm, a one-of-a-kind ram from Amy Cook, and the unmatched quality found in the Mormon Trail flock. We endeavor to produce Finns of medium size (130-150 lb ewes) with capacity and substance. Building Finns with both soundness and prolificacy true to their commercial purpose is a challenge but an endeavor we are passionate about. Our Finnsheep, both white and colored, consistently contribute to a lambing percentage above 250% and produce lambs with an uncommonly high rate of gain for the breed.
Contact Us
Inquire at any time to discuss the flock in greater depth or if you’re interested in adding some of our sheep to your operation. We have registered yearlings available each year and occasionally mature ewes. We very rarely sell lambs unless you have purchased sheep from us in the past.